On Being Attacked By Ospreys On Bobs Lake
My husband was out in his kayak and lo and behold he feared a serious attack—and wrote the following poem.
Listen here and stay awake My kayak was upon the lake I paddled slowly took my time I saw a frog, a squirrel climb And then I saw above my head Something that increased my dread Angry birds with piercing cries They followed me, I tell no lies I paddled quickly to escape My arms outstretched my mouth agape They circled closely and in one swoop They dove and promptly dropped some poop “Help” I cried,” ”a bird attack” Nasty Ospreys — they don’t quack Their eyes ablaze their sharpened beak I thought, “My god, My fate is bleak” What had I done to prompt their rage? There was no way I could assuage I thought I must be near their nest. I was no man I was a pest! So I paddled even more Another swoop, I raced for shore Diving bombs and then some shit And I cried, “why this is it!” But suddenly they flew away To let me live another day No longer in their nesting space I paddled home to my own place The moral is to check the sky Make sure no birds are flying by If they,are don’t be a chump NPaddle fast, avoid a dump.